Sunday, July 5, 2020

SPAM on This Day in History

This Day in History: SPAM, the luncheon meat, was introduced into the market by the Hormel Foods Corporation on this day in 1937. SPAM is chopped pork shoulder meat with ham, salt, water, sugar, and sodium nitrite, unless of course you get some other variation of it. The word SPAM is short for "spiced ham" not "something posing as meat." SPAM was invented in the depressionera, a low cost food item which Margaret Thatcher once referred to as a "wartime delicacy" [Nearly 100 million pounds of SPAM were consumed by the Allied troops during World War II.] Hormel produces 44,000 cans of SPAM every hour, but it's been decades since I've had any. SPAM is big in Hawaii and the McDonald's restaurants there feature SPAM on the menu.

Believe it or not, there is a SPAM Museum in Austin, MN

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