Sunday, August 22, 2021

The Mystery and History of Alchemy

The History and Mystery of Alchemy is now available on Amazon...and it is only 99 cents.

As above, so below.

You are an alchemist; make gold of that.” — William Shakespeare

Alchemy conjures up images of mad medieval pseudo-scientists laboring in dark labs in the hopes of turning base metals into gold, but alchemy was much more than forbidden occult capitalism.

Alchemy is a phenomenon that has been known to be around us for many years. Some consider a butterfly hatching out of a caterpillar as an alchemical process. Chickens don’t eat much calcium, yet they lay eggs rich in calcium. Speaking of eggs, consider the transformation process in the womb. Soil converts aluminum to zinc. This is Alchemy.

In alchemy the sages of old held hopes of discovering the answers to not only transmutation, but also immortality and good health...they felt it held the answers to the meaning of life. Alchemy has had a definite impact and influence on our modern life. From Alchemy grew Chemistry and Medicine. The tinkerers of the past gave way to cures we still use.  Alchemy has also influenced literature, such as Shakespeare, J.K. Rowling and Fullmetal Alchemist. Consider the following humorous quote from Fullmetal Alchemist:

 “Water: 35 liters, Carbon: 20 kg, Ammonia: 4 liters, Lime:1.5 kg, Phosphrus: 800 g, salt: 250g, saltpeter:100g, Sulfer: 80g, Fluorine: 7.5 g, iron: 5.6 g, Silicon: 3g, and 15 other elements in small quantities.... that's the total chemical makeup of the average adult body. Modern science knows all of this, but there has never been a single example of successful human transmutation. It's like there's some missing ingredient..... Scientists have been trying to find it for hundreds of years, pouring tons of money into research, and to this day they don't have a theory. For that matter, the elements found in a human being is all junk that you can buy in any market with a child's allowance. Humans are pretty cheaply made.”
― Hiromu Arakawa, Fullmetal Alchemist, Vol. 1

“Alchemy was (and is) considerably more than the attempt to turn base metals into gold. To an alchemist, all material things ripen toward perfection unless something gets in the way. The alchemist's mission is to remove the obstacles that keep material things from attaining their perfection. For metals, that perfection is gold; for the human body, health; for the human spirit, union with the divine-and all these and many more are appropriate goals for alchemical work.” ~John Michael Greer

"Alchemy is about perfection—taking an imperfect thing and making it perfect. According to alchemy, all things in creation have within them the seed of perfection."~Rosemary Ellen Guiley

In the process of trying to obtain a certain thing, the alchemists stumbled upon many others. "During the centuries when alchemy flourished, gunpowder was invented, the art of printing was established, the compass was brought into use, the art of painting and staining glass was begun and carried to perfection, paper was made from rags, practical metallurgy advanced by leaps and bounds, many new alloys of metals came into use, glass mirrors were manufactured, and considerable advances were made in practical medicine and sanitation." M.M. Pattison Muir

Swiss psychologist Carl Jung saw in alchemical drawings and symbols images something that his patients were experiencing. And of course, alchemy is the foundation of modern chemistry...the "al" in front of the word "chemistry" coming from the Muslims of old.

Joseph Hayes explains our fascination with alchemy thusly: "It is not strange that a belief should have arisen that one metal could be changed into another, or that this belief should have taken such a strong hold upon the imagination of the people. Did not the church teach that the bread and wine were actually changed into the flesh and the blood of Christ? Men actually believed that such change in reality took place."

One goal of alchemy, the transmutation of base substances into gold, is now known to be impossible by chemical means but possible by physical means. Although not financially worthwhile, Gold was synthesized in particle accelerators as early as 1941.

Much of what is contained in this book is historical, speculative, sometimes repetitive, but always interesting. As I've seen stated in certain books: "there is no art without alchemy;" "without alchemy metallurgy cannot be fully understood;" "perfume as we know it could not have taken shape without alchemy;" and some state that born-again Christianity would not have arisen without Alchemy.

In 2014 the Smithsonian Magazine published an article "Alchemy May Not Have Been the Pseudoscience We All Thought It Was." Maybe by reexamining Alchemy we can discover something we may have lost over time. 

The Table of Contents are:

1. Alchemy in History by Lewis Spence

2. Ancient Mythical Accounts of Alchemy, By John Edward Mercer 1921

3. Ancient Chemistry and Alchemy, article in the Chemist and Druggist 1894

4. The History of Alchemy & the Philosopher's Stone by Francis Lieber 1849

5. Alchemy and the Philosopher's Stone by Charles Barnard 1883

6. Alchemy & the Philosopher's Stone by C.J.S. Thompson 1897

7. The Biblical Patriarchs and the Universal Remedy, article in Fraser's Magazine (Thomas Crofton Croker) 1840

8. The Elixir of Life in Science and Romance by William S. Walsh 1890

9. The Transmutation of Base Metals into Gold, by John Phin 1906

10. Alchemist Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa by Lewis Spence 1920

11. Alchemy and the Evolution of Chemical Truth by M. Louis Olivier 1890

12. The Legend of Paracelsus by William John Thoms 1834

13. Alchemy and the Alchemists, article in the National Quarterly Review 1873

14. Isaac Newton and Alchemy (Article in The Archaeological Journal)

15. The Useful History of Alchemy, by W. B. D. Penniman, 1896

16. The Origin of the Word "Chemistry" by Leo Suppan 1919

17. Religion and Alchemy By John Edward Mercer 1921

18. Alchemy: The Third Column of Medicine by Paracelsus

19. The History of Chemistry by Joseph W. Hays

20. The Alchymists, or, Searchers for the Philosopher's Stone and the Water of Life by Charles Mackay LL.D 1852

21. Basil Valentine, Last of the Alchemist, First of the Chemists

22. Magic and Medicine By Cuming Walters 1896

23. Paracelsus the Genius and Impostor, by Bram Stoker 1910

24. The Case for Occult Knowledge & Medicine by Algernon Blackwood 1891

25. Alchemical and Magical Books Fatal to their Authors, by P. H. Ditchfield

26. Alchemistic Symbols for Now Common Metals

27. The Explanation of Material Changes Given by Greek Thinkers, by M.M. Pattison Muir

28. A Sketch of Alchemical Theory by M.M. Pattison Muir

29, The Phallic Element in Alchemical Doctrine, by By H. Stanley Redgrove

30. The Dying Alchemist (A Poem) by Nathaniel Parker Willis 1894

My other books include:

The Folly of Socialism: What Past Thinkers Knew About The Socialist-Communist Ideology

And the Word was a god: Conversations on the Most Disputed Text in the New Testament - John 1:1

Halloween and the Strange in Story and History

Forgotten Bible Versions: Examining Translations of the Past

The Sickening (and Strange) History of Medicine

The Strange History of Easter and the Christian Cross: An Anthology

The Dark History of the Trinity Doctrine

Forgotten Tales of Dogs

The Absurdity of the Trinity Doctrine: An Anthology

Vampires and Werewolves in Lore and History: An Anthology

70 Forgotten Ghost Stories - Haunting Tales Lost to Time: An Anthology

The Dark History of Christmas - An Anthology: The Pagan Origins of our Winter Festival

The Companion Guide to Death: Grave Thoughts from Great Thinkers

The Mysterious Book of Genesis - Lilith, Enoch & Other Strange Studies

Edgar Allan Poe - An Exhumation: 30 Articles

Forgotten Tales of Dogs

The Doctrine of the Two Natures in Christ EXPOSED! [The Hypostatic Union]

The Impersonality of the Holy Spirit

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