Friday, March 25, 2022

The Death of Christ on This Day in History

This Day in History: In early Christian tradition, March 25 came to be known as the day of Christ's death. Based on the dates when the Jewish Passover fell, early Christians had a fairly good idea when Christ died. Early Christian historian, Tertullian, said that the death of Christ happened on March 25. This then gave birth to a new theory that Christ's conception and death took place on the same day – March 25.

A religious holiday was then started to celebrate the angel Gabriel’s announcement to Mary that she was pregnant. (Luke 1:30-32). Roman Catholics call it the Feast of Annunciation and it is still celebrated on March 25.

The day of March 25 after this began to grow in importance. It was declared that Adam was born on March 25, and Satan fell on the same day. "March 25 was thought to be both the day of the creation of Adam and Eve as well as the day of their disobedience in the Garden. It was also counted as the day when Lucifer fell from Heaven and when the Israelite people passed through the Red Sea to begin their journey to the promised land. Not surprisingly, tradition claims that it was also the day when Isaac was to be offered as a sacrifice by his father Abraham." Source

In fact, March 25 became New Years Day in 527 A.D.

It then became a logical leap to declare the birth of Jesus Christ 9 months after on December 25. Saint Augustine actually wrote of this: "For he [Jesus] is believed to have been conceived on 25th of March, upon which day also He suffered; so the womb of the virgin, in which He was conceived, where no one mortals was begotten, corresponds to the new grave in which he was buried, wherein was never laid, neither before him nor since. But he was born according to tradition, upon the December 25th."

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