Wednesday, July 6, 2022

The Dangers of Kissing on This Day in History


This Day In History: Today is International Kissing Day. However, half of the world's population thinks kissing is gross, according to a study cited by Medical Daily. And they may be on to something. A 2014 study published in Microbiome Journal found that there was an "average total bacterial transfer of 80 million bacteria per intimate kiss of 10 [seconds]." 

Kissing also helps to spread the flu, hepatitus B, meningococcal meningitis, gum disease and may give you a cold sore.

Kissing may also give you cavities. "The act of kissing alone doesn't immediately lead to cavities, but swapping saliva does have the potential to spread the bacteria that causes cavities. 'Cavities are caused by bacteria that stick to teeth and feast on food particles and produce acid that causes tooth decay,' dentist Emanuel Layliev of the New York Center for Cosmetic Dentistry told Self. 'Cavities are typically passed through mouth-to-mouth contact when there is an exchange of saliva.' So on top of all the germs that get passed around while kissing, there's also the possibility that you can get more cavities from tongue-tangling with someone." Source

If you don't want to engage in this filthy activity, today is also "National Fried Chicken Day" which is observed in the USA. If you want dessert, you need not wait long as tomorrow is actually World Chocolate Day.

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