Thursday, May 30, 2019

The Dead Alive By Frances Williams-Wynn

The Dead Alive By Frances Williams-Wynn (from Diaries of a Lady of Quality from 1797 to 1844)

London: March 17th, 1803.—WE passed the evening with the Grimstones, talking about the Duke of Bridgewater, who, it was then thought, might very possibly be brought to life again, though he had been dead above a week. They told me the following extraordinary story:

Many years ago, a Mrs. Killigrew was supposed to have been dead above a week; when she was to be put into her coffin, her body was so swelled that it was found impossible to get her diamond hoop-ring off without cutting the finger; this her husband would not consent to; accordingly, she was buried with the ring.

The sexton*, who had observed this, determined to steal the ring that night. Having forced open the coffin, he proceeded to cut off the finger, but the first gash of the knife brought Mrs. Killigrew to life again. The sexton, frightened, ran away, leaving his **lanthorn, which she immediately took, and walked to her own house. There her appearance, of course, created great consternation among the servants; no one would venture to open the door; fortunately the rumour reached the ears of her disconsolate husband, who went directly to receive her. After this event she lived ten years, and in the course of that time had two children.
*sexton: a person who looks after a church and churchyard, sometimes acting as bell-ringer and formerly as a gravedigger.

**lanthorn is an old British word that is defined as lantern.

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