Friday, September 11, 2020

This Day in History: Little Known Facts About 9/11

Today in History: Today we remember 9/11, but there are some strange facts you probably didn't know about this date. In July 2010, construction workers rebuilding the site of the World Trade Center in New York uncovered the mangled skeleton of an 18th century old wooden ship, hidden almost 7m below the surface in a pit.

The landing gear of one of the planes was discovered 11 years later wedged between two buildings located approximately three blocks from the World Trade Center.

The person who made the unprecedented decision to order a National Ground Stop, effectively shutting down US airspace, started his job on that same day.

There was only one murder reported on that in New York, a Polish immigrant named Henryk Siwiak, and his death remains unsolved to this day.

Henry Hudson discovered Manhattan Island on 9/11, in 1609.

The worst accident on the New York City elevated railways happened on 9/11 in 1905, resulting in 13 deaths and 48 serious injuries.

A bomb planted by a Croatian terrorist, Zvonko BuĊĦic, was found at New York's Grand Central Terminal on 9/11, 1976 and one NYPD officer was killed trying to defuse it.

Jackie Chan was scheduled to be on top of the World Trade Ctr that morning for a movie, but it was rescheduled.

Besides the 1.4 million tons of debris that was removed, 19,435 body parts were recovered from the WTC. Only 60 percent of WTC victims have been identified to this day.

New York survived the 9/11 attacks, but will not survive the 2020 lockdowns imposed on it: New York City is dead forever By James Altucher

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