Monday, October 26, 2020

Pat Sajak on This Day in History

This Day in History: Wheel of Fortune host Pat Sajak was born on this day in 1946. I however know him mainly for his humorous tweets, of which there are many:

97% of practicing mediums agree that communication with the dead is real. #SettledSeance

Quiet day at the mall. Then, “Hey, it’s Pat Sajak!!” Confusion, pictures, autographs. I’m almost sorry I yelled.

In order to save our planet, I’m asking everyone in America who’s 73-years-old or older to join me in pledging not to have any more children. #SignThePledge

I used to be in the news business, but I moved into something more credible.

When I had minimum wage jobs, my goal was to better myself, not to better the minimum wage.

No one was recognizing me when I went out wearing a face mask. Had to resort to carrying an 8x10 glossy of myself. Celebrityhood can be challenging.

Surprised to learn that selling vowels is not an essential job.

Thank goodness we have social media during this difficult time to bring us thoughtful and helpful information free of rancor or political agendas.

Just when I thought things couldn’t get much worse, I learn that boneless wings aren’t even wings. They’re just small pieces of white meat chicken. I’m not sure how much more I can take.

I'm so disappointed in my new Peloton Bike. I was able to hang so many more clothes on my old machine.

Every election cycle I get asked to participate in “get out the vote” public service announcements. But I figure if a TV game show host has to convince people to vote, they probably shouldn’t.

Great news! #climatechange is now #glutenfree

Even though I told him it was settled folklore, my young nephew remains a Tooth Fairy denier. (Those kids today!)

To boost career, planning to post, delete & apologize for offensive tweet later. Blaming hackers or prescription drugs.

Please hold. Your call is important to us. Though not important enough to hire a sufficient number of people to answer the phones.

I was walking around my house this morning and I saw myself in a mirror. Now, although I know I’m not a young man, I decided then and there that I had to do something about what I saw. So I’ve had all the mirrors removed. 

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