Thursday, October 5, 2023

Neil deGrasse Tyson on This Day in History


This day in history: American astrophysicist, author, and science communicator Neil deGrasse Tyson was born on this day in 1958. 

The problem with NdGT is that he is an astrophysicist who tries to speak with authority on subjects that aren't astrophysics. 

"Tyson is an attention-seeking media troll who courts adoration from bloggers, students and hipsters while picking off low-hanging fruit and mocking people he doesn’t like. But he often does this not with the master troll’s scalpel but the clumsy tin ear of the lumbering buffoon who pisses people off for all the wrong reasons, with cheap, sarcastic bait masquerading as sassy intellect." Source

One of Tyson's most famous quotes is "The good thing about Science is that it's true, whether you believe in it or not". However, Science is a process, not a collection of sacred truths. Science for the most part is always changing. Politics drive science, because politicians fund science. As a result, Science is flawed.

Neil deGrasse Tyson was asked why certain medical experts were silenced during the pandemic. His response was: "I'm not interested in medical pedigree. I'm interested in medical consensus and scientific consensus...The individual scientist does not matter." Except, we now know that the politically approved consensus was wrong, and wildly so.

Tyson also tweeted that "Whiteness" has links with climate change and transphobia. 

Tyson posted a TikTok video insisting biology is insufficient in explaining gender ideology. In the video, Tyson said that people should think about gender as a 'spectrum' because sometimes people feel more female than male and sometimes they put on makeup in the morning and sometimes they don't. 'Tomorrow I might feel 80 percent male. I'll remove the makeup, and I'll wear a muscle shirt,' Tyson said. 

Detransition activist Chloe Cole responded: 'How about we stop confusing basic human biology with cosmetics....You're using 1950s gender stereotypes for an ideology that leads to the sterilization and mastectomies of 15-year-old girls who just don't fit in, girls like me.' 

Tyson says aliens might find humans too stupid to contact. Since he is the public face of science and intelligence on this planet, they may be right.

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