Sunday, August 25, 2024

A Crocodile on an Airplane on This Day in History


We've all heard of Snakes on a Plane, but what about a crocodile.

This day in history: On this day in 2010, 20 passengers and crew of a Let L-410 Turbolet were killed in a crash resulting from an escaped crocodile in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. 

According to the sole survivor of the crash, the animal was smuggled aboard by a passenger but escaped mid-flight. 

"An unnamed passenger had hidden the crocodile in a large duffel bag with the intent of selling the reptile, according to the Telegraph. The animal escaped as the plane approached its destination." Source

Panicked passengers surged forward, unbalancing the plane and causing a loss of control. The crocodile survived the crash, but was promptly killed by a blow from a machete.

"Congo’s domestic air service consists mainly of badly maintained Soviet-era aircraft with a dismal safety history, according to media reports. Air crashes are common in the Central African country." Source

In 2022 only 43 accidents occurred out of 27.7 million flights, resulting in the deaths of 158 people. Most air accidents take place in Africa, South America and the Middle East. Source

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