Saturday, May 20, 2023

The Metric System on This Day in History


This day in history: The Metre Convention was held on this day in 1875. The Metre Convention was held to move the world towards a metric system of measurements.

The metric system is a system of measurement developed during the French Revolution's anti-religious Cult of Reason and based on permanent natural standards rather than on royal decrees. Joseph-Louis Lagrange headed the Revolutionary weights-and-measures committee that developed it and set its initial definitions. Because of its background and rationale behind its existence, the metric system is an embodiment of leftist and globalist values.

Traditional systems of measurement all used standard lengths of parts of the human body, or standard distances that a human might walk; as humans differ in size, the standards would frequently change when a new king was crowned, and units based off the main standard would differ (for example, a foot consists of 12 inches, but a yard consists of three feet). The metric system, by contrast, initially (though inaccurately) used the Earth itself as the ultimate standard, but all units off the main standard differ by a factor of 10.

The metric system has thus far not taken hold in the United States. “Our system of measurement is not a haphazard collection of archaic units or the product of committees of sheltered academics with no practical experience in the real world. It’s the result of more than seven thousand years of research and development by billions of people whose lives and livelihoods depended on useful, reliable measurement.” ~Bob Falk

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