Monday, September 4, 2017

Halloween by Lewis Spence 1920

Halloween by Lewis Spence (from An Encyclopedia of Occultism)

All Hallow's Eve: One of the former four great Fire festivals in Britain, is supposed to have taken place on the 1st of November, when all fires, save those of the Druids, were extinguished, from whose altars only the holy fire must be purchased by the householders for a certain price. The festival is still known in Ireland as Samhein, or La Samon, i.e., the Feast of the Sun; while in Scotland, it has assumed the name of Hallowe'en. All Hallow's Eve, as observed in the Church of Rome, corresponds with the Feralia of the ancient Romans, when they sacrificed in honour of the dead, offered up prayers for them, and made oblations to them. In ancient times, this festival was celebrated on the twenty-first of February, but the Roman Church transfetred it in her calendar to the first of November. It was originally designed to give rest and peace to the souls of the departed. In some parts of Scotland, it is still customary for young people to kindle fires on the tops of hills and rising grounds, and fire of this description goes by the name of a "Hallowe'en bleeze." Formerly it was customary to surround these bonfires with a circular trench symbolical of the sun. Sheriff Barclay tells us that about seventy years ago, while travelling from Dunkeld to Aberfeldy on Hallowe'en, he counted thirty fires blazing on the hill tops, with the phantom figures of persons dancing round the flames.

In Perthshire, the "Hallowe'en bleeze" is made in the following picturesque fashion. Heath, broom, and dressings of flax are tied upon a pole. The faggot is then kindled; a youth takes it upon his shoulders and carries it about. When the faggot is burned out a second is tied to the pole and kindled in the same manner as the former one. Several of these blazing faggots are often carried through the villages at the same time.

"Hallowe'en" is believed by the superstitious in Scotland to be a night on which the invisible world has peculiar power. His Satanic Majesty is supposed to have great latitude allowed him on this anniversary, in common with that malignant class of beings known as witches, some of whom, it is said, may be seen cleaving the air on broomsticks, in a manner wondrous to behold. Others again, less aerially disposed, jog comfortably along over by-road and heath, seated on the back of such sleek tabby cats as have kindly allowed themselves to be transformed into coal-black steeds for their accommodation. The green-robed fays are also said to hold special festive meetings at their favourite haunts. The ignorant believe that there is no such night in all the year for obtaining an insight into futurity. The following are the customs pertaining to this eve of mystic ceremonies: The youths and maidens, who engage in the ceremony of Pulling the Green Kail, go hand-in-hand, with shut eyes, into a bachelor's or spinster's garden, and pull up the first "kail stalks" which come in their way. Should the stalks thus secured prove to be of stately growth, straight in stem, and with a goodly supply of earth at their roots, the future husbands (or wives) will be young, goodlooking and rich in proportion. But if the stalks be stunted, crooked, and have little or no earth at their roots, the future spouses will be found lacking in good looks and fortune. According as the heart or stem proves sweet or sour to the taste, so will be the temper of the future partner. The stalks thus tasted are afterwards placed above the doors of the respective houses, and the christian names of those persons who first pass underneath will correspond with those of the future husbands or wives.

There is also the custom of Eating the Apple at the Glass. Provide yourself with an apple, and, as the clock strikes twelve, go alone into a room where there is a looking glass. Cut the apple into small pieces, throw one of them over your left shoulder, and advancing to the mirror without looking back, proceed to eat the remainder, combing your hair carefully the while before the glass. While thus engaged, it is said that the face of the person you are to marry will be seen peeping over your left shoulder. This "Hallowe'en" game is supposed to be a relic of that form of divination with mirrors which was condemned as sorcery by the former Popes.

The Burning Nuts. Take two nuts and place them in the fire, bestowing on one of them your own name; on the other that of the object of your affections. Should they burn quietly away, side by side, then the issue of your love affair will be prosperous; but if one starts away from the other, the result will be unfavourable.

And for the Sowing Hemp Seed, steal forth alone towards midnight and sow a handful of hemp seed, repeating the following rhyme:

"Hemp seed, I sow thee, hemp seed, I sow thee;
And he that is my true love, come behind and harrow me." 

Then look over your left shoulder and you will see the person thus adjured in the act of harrowing.

The ceremony of Winnowing Corn must also be gone through in solitude. Go to the barn and open both doors, taking them off the hinges if possible, lest the being you expect to appear, may close them and do you some injury. Then take the instrument used in winnowing corn, and go through all the attitudes of letting it down against the wind. Repeat the operation three times, and the figure of your future partner will appear passing in at one door and out at the other. Should those engaging in this ceremony be fated to die young, it is believed that a coffin, followed by mourners, will enter and pursue the too adventurous youth or maiden, who thus wishes to pry into the hidden things of the future, round the barn.

Another is Measuring the Bean Stack. Go three times round a bean stack with outstretched arms, as if measuring it, and the third time you will clasp in your arms the shade of your future partner.

Eating the Herring. Just before retiring to rest eat a raw or roasted salt herring, and in your dreams your husband (or wife) that is to be, will come and offer you a drink of water to quench your thirst.

Dipping the Shirt Sleeve. Go alone, or in company with others, to a stream where "three lairds' lands meet," and dip in the left sleeve of a shirt; after this is done not one word must be spoken, otherwise the spell is broken. Then put your sleeve to dry before your bedroom fire. Go to bed, but be careful to remain awake, and you will see the form of your future helpmate enter and turn the sleeve in order that the other side may get dried.

The Three Plates. Place three plates in a row on a table. In one of these put clean water, in another foul, and leave the third empty. Blindfold the person wishing to try his or her fortune, and lead them up to the table. The left hand must be put forward. Should it come in contact with the clean water, then the future spouse will be young, handsome, and a bachelor or maid. The foul signifies a widower or a widow; and the empty dish, single blessedness. This ceremony is repeated three times, and the plates must be differently arranged after each attempt.

Throwing the Clue. Steal forth alone and at night, to the nearest lime-kiln, and throw in a clue of blue yarn, winding it off on to a fresh clue. As you come near the end, someone will grasp hold of the thread lying in the kiln. You then ask, "Who holds?" when the name of your future partner will be uttered from beneath. 

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