Saturday, April 23, 2022

Gonzo Filmmaker Michael Moore on This Day in History


This Day in History: American documentary filmmaker, author, and left-wing activist Michael Moore was born on this day in 1954. I saw his movie "Roger & Me" in the theater in 1989 and thought the film was brilliant. In fact, I had watched it several times after that. Little did I know that I was being manipulated. 

Roger & Me is a 1989 American documentary film that depicts the devastating economic impact of General Motors CEO Roger Smith's action of closing several auto plants in his hometown of Flint, Michigan.

The entire movie is predicated on the fact that Roger Smith wouldn’t submit to an interview with Moore. However, the truth is that Roger Smith did submit to an interview with Moore. Two interviews, in fact, of some length, of which there are transcripts, videos and witnesses. These were kept out of the film. 

One film critic, Pauline Kael, felt the film exaggerated the social impact of GM's closing of the plant and depicted the actual events of Flint's troubles out of chronological order. Kael called the film "shallow and facetious, a piece of gonzo demagoguery that made me feel cheap for laughing". One such criticism is that the eviction at the end of the film occurred on a different day from Smith's speech, but the two events were intercut for emotional effect. Moore addresses this criticism in the DVD commentary, stating that "there are no dates in the film; we'll be going back and forth throughout the decade of the '80s".

In 2018, Michael Moore tweeted out a Happy 200th birthday to Communist Karl Marx, which should tell you all you need to know about Michael Moore. The tweet stated, "You believed that everyone should have a seat at the table & that the greed of the rich would eventually bring us all down. You believed that everyone deserves a slice of the pie. You knew that the super wealthy were out to grab whatever they could." 

Now, Michael Moore is a very wealthy man. Public documents revealed that Michael Moore, at the time of his divorce was "sitting on a veritable real estate empire that comprised of at least 9 different properties. Among these is a massive mansion in Torch Lake, Michigan, and a Manhattan Condo that was previously three separate apartments before extensive renovations combined them into one property. Moore listed his 11,000-square-foot Torch Lake lakehouse in 2011 for $5.2 million. The property sits on 3.65 acres and features a separate guesthouse." Source

Nothing is stopping Moore from giving away all of his wealth to the poor like a good communist should, and yet he doesn't.

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