Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Alternative Medicine & Spiritual Healing - 175 Books to Download

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Books Scanned from the Originals into PDF format

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Animal and Plant Lore by Fanny Bergen 1899

List of Vegetable Substances used in Medicine By Erving Melville Howard 1888

Homeopathic Domestic Medicine by Joseph Laurie 1849

The Gift of Healing and Spiritual Science as Taught by Christ by Adelaide Arnold 1913

Spiritual Health and Healing by Horatio Willis Dresser 1922

Hypnotism and Magnetism, Mesmerism, Suggestive Therapeutics and Magnetic Healing by LW De Laurence 1910

Theory of Acute Diseases and their Homeopathic Treatment by Franz Hartmann, Volume 1 1847

Theory of Acute Diseases and their Homeopathic Treatment by Franz Hartmann, Volume 2 1847

Theory of Acute Diseases and their Homeopathic Treatment by Franz Hartmann, Volume 3 1847

Theory of Acute Diseases and their Homeopathic Treatment by Franz Hartmann, Volume 4 1847

What Shall Make us Whole - Thoughts in the Direction of Man's Spiritual and Physical Integrity by Helen B Merriman 1888

Hydropathy and Homeopathy by Edwin Lee 1847

Scripture Homeopathy by DC Knight 1868

Homoeopathy Simplified by John A Tarbell 1856

Mind-Healing Condensed - instruction book and formula by Andrew J Swarts 1889

Esoteric Osteopathy by Herbert Hoffman 1908

The Truth about Homeopathy by William H Holcombe 1894

A Lecture on some Minor Superiorities of the Homeopathic Treatment by R. Ludlam 1862

The Pocket Manual of Homoeopathic Practice by AE Small 1857

Text Book of Osteopathy 1910 (Illustrated)

Letters on Homoeopathy, for and against 1864

Osteopathic First Aids to the Sick by Francis John Fiedler 1906

The Gentleman's Hand-book of Homoeopathy by Egbert Guernsey 1857

The Text Book for Homeopathy Practice by Samuel Morgan 1860

Hydrotherapy by Guy Hindsdale 1910

Psychiasis - Healing through the Soul by Charles H Mann 1900

Outlines of a New Theory of Disease Applied to Hydropathy showing that water is the only true remedy by JH Rausse 1849

Hydrotherapy - a brief summary of the practical value of water in disease by William Hermann Dieffenbach 1909

The Uses of Water in Modern Medicine by Simon Baruch 1893

The Philosophy of Mental Healing by Leander E Whipple 1893

Hydropathy (Hydrotherapy) for the People by William Horsell 1850

Hydropathy - The treatment of diseases by Water by A. Byrenheidt 1844

Facts about Osteopathy - a Concise Presentation of Interesting Facts 1922

Consumption (tuberculosis) - its Prevention and Cure by the Water Treatment, with advice concerning haemorrhage from the lungs, coughs, colds, asthma, bronchitis, and sore throat by Joel Shew 1855

The Water-Cure Manual - a Popular Work, embracing descriptions of the various modes of bathing, the hygienic and curative effects of air, exercise, clothing, occupation, diet, water-drinking by Joel Shew 1855

Of Nature and Art in the Cure of Disease (Naturopathy) by John Forbes 1857

Philosophy of natural therapeutics by Henry Lindlahr 1918

Commentary on the Hindu System of Medicine by Thomas Wise 1846

The Materia Medica of the Hindus Compiled from Sanskrit Medical Works by George King 1877

Osteopathy - the Science of Healing by Adjustment by Percy H Woodall 1910

An Essay on the Antiquity of Hindu Medicine by JF Royle 1837

Observations on the influence of Religion upon the Health and Physical Welfare of Mankind by Amariah Brigham 1837

Christ as a Physician by James C Jackson 1882'

The Human Body and Disease Considered from the Christian Standpoint by Lewis H Steiner 1858

Pastoral Medicine by Carl Capellmann 1879

Domestic Medicine by J Kost 1868

The Elements of Modern Domestic Medicine by Henry G Hanchett 1891

The American Practice of Domestic Medicine by S.F. Salter 1877

The Practice of Somapathy - its practical application to the various diseases of the human body by Charles N Murray 1913

A Dictionary of Domestic Medicine - giving a description of Diseases, Directions for their General Management and Homeopathic Treatment by John H Clarke 1890

The American Vegetable Practice by M Mattson 1845

Medicine and the Mind by Maurice De Fleury 1900

Vegetable Diet as Sanctioned by Medical Men by William A Alcott 1851

Medicinal Plants - an illustrated and descriptive guide to plants indigenous to the United States which are used in Medicine, their Description, Origin, History, Preparation, Chemistry and Physiological Effects Fully Described, Volume 1 by Charles F. Millspaugh 1892

Medicinal Plants - an illustrated and descriptive guide to plants indigenous to the United States which are used in Medicine, their Description, Origin, History, Preparation, Chemistry and Physiological Effects Fully Described, Volume 2 by Charles F. Millspaugh 1892

Essentials of Osteopathy - Nerve Centers and Landmarks by Isabel M. Davenport 1903

Something Wrong by George V Webster (Osteopathy) 1918

Mental Medicine - a Theoretical and Practical Treatise on Medical Psychology by Rev. WF Evans 1873

Scientific Mental Healing by H. Addington Bruce 1911

Three Thousand Years of Mental Healing by George B Cutten 1911

Faith and Health by Charles R Brown 1910

The Healing Power of Suggestion by Charles R Brown 1910

Psycho-therapy in the Practice of Medicine and Surgery by Sheldon Leavitt 1907

The Quimby manuscripts showing the discovery of spiritual healing and the origin of Christian science by PP Quimby 1921

Mental Healing Made Plain by Kate A Boehme 1902

New Thought Healing Made Plain by Kate A Boehme 1918

The Force of Mind - The Mental Factor in Disease by Arthur Schofield 1908

The Mind Cure by Christian Larson 1912

The Power of Self-suggestion by Rev Samuel McComb 1909

Spiritual Healing by WF Cobb 1914

The Science of Psychic Healing by Yogi Ramacharaka 1906

Spiritual Therapeutics - Divine Science by WJ Colville 1888

The Law of Mental Medicine by Thomas Jay Hudson 1903

Christian Healing by Charles Fillmore 1922

Healing Power of Mind by Julia Root 1884

The Relief of Pain by Mental Suggestion - a study of the moral and religious forces in healing by Loring W Batton 1917

Have you a Strong Will? How to Develop and Strengthen will power, memory or any other Faculty of the Mind by Auto-Suggestion by Charles C Leland 1919

The Psychic Solution of the Problem of Cure by Sheldon Leavitt 1908

The Evolution of Psychic Healing by Harmon H McQuilkin 1909

The Spiritual Science of Health and Healing by WC Colville 1887

Esoteric Christianity and Mental Therapeutics by WF Evans 1886

The Secret Told - Religious Science and Healing in One Lesson by Robert Casey 1891

Universal Theosophy - the Science of Health and Healing by WJ Colville 1887

A Practical Manual of Animal Magnetism containing an exposition of the methods employed in producing the Magnetic Phenomena, with its application to the treatment and Cure of Diseases by Alphonse Teste 1843

Psychology Applied to Medicine by David W Wells 1907

The Psychic Treatment of Nervous Disorders by Paul Dubois 1908

Miracles and the New Psychology - a Study in the Healing Miracles of the New Testament by ER Micklem 1922

A Physician to the Soul by Horatio Willis Dresser 1908

The Divine Law of Cure by WF Evans 1884

The Conquest of Disease - the Psychology of Mental and Spiritual Healing by Eugene Del Mar 1922

Suggestion and Osteopathy by Wilmer Ingalls Gordon 1901

Psychotherapy - a Course of Reading in Sound Psychology, Sound Medicine and Sound Religion, Volume 1 by William B Parker 1909

Psychotherapy - a Course of Reading in Sound Psychology, Sound Medicine and Sound Religion, Volume 2 by William B Parker 1909

Psychotherapy - a Course of Reading in Sound Psychology, Sound Medicine and Sound Religion, Volume 3 by William B Parker 1909

Health Through Will Power by James J Walsh 1919

Faith-healing in the 16th and 17th centuries by Charles H Cox 1891

The Life Ideal, Scientific Prayer by AA Lindsay 1918

Primary Lessons in Christian living and Healing - a textbook of healing by the power of truth as taught and demonstrated by the master Lord Jesus Christ by Annie Rix Militz 1904

Healing by faith by Samuel L Gracey 1883

Christian Health and Healing for All by HW Workman 1919

Scriptural Healing Arranged from the Bible by Helen Young 1907

Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy 1906

The Mystery and Romance of Alchemy and Pharmacy by C.J.S. Thompson 1897

The Healing Hand by Sidney A Weltmer 1922

Faith-Healing, Christian Science and Kindred Phenomena by JM Buckley 1892

Mesmerism and Christian Science - a Short History of Mental Healing by Frank Podmore 1909

Making Health Certain - a philosophical and inspirational treatise on the establishment and maintenance of health through a constructive mental attitude by R Swinburne Clymer 1921

Vital Magnetic Cure- an exposition of vital magnetism, and its application to the treatment of mental and physical disease 1881

Mental Control of the Body by Villette Hutchins White 1917

An Exposition of Quackery and Imposture in Medicine by Caleb Ticknor 1839

Revelations of Quacks and Quackery by Francis D Courtenay 1877

Quackery Unmasked by Dan King 1858

In Spite of Epilepsy  - A Review of the Livies of Julius Caeser, Mohammed and Lord Byron, by Matthew Woods 1913

Was the Apostle Paul an Epileptic by Matthew Woods 1913

The Funny Side of Physic - The Mysteries of Medicine by AD Crabtre 1874

Quacks and Grafters 1908

A Plea for the Botanic Practice of Medicine by John Skelton 1853

How to Treat the Sick without Medicine by James Jackson 1870

Return to Nature - The True Natural Method of Healing and Living and the True Salvation of the Soul by Adolf Just 1903

Universal Naturopathic Encyclopedia by Benedict Lust 1918

Botanic Guide to Health by A.I. Coffin MD 1852

Physical and Natural Therapeutics -  the remedial uses of atmospheric pressure, climate, heat and cold, hydrotherapeutic measures, mineral waters, and electricity by H.A. Hare 1895

The Tree of Life - Human Degeneracy - its Nature and Remedy, as Based on the Elevating Principle of Orthopathy by Isaac Jennings 1867

Thus Shalt Thou Live - Hints and Advice for the healthy and the sick on a simple and rational mode of life and a natural method of cure by Sebastian Kneipp 1894

The Working Man's Family Botanic Guide by William Fox 1852

Religion and Medicine, the Moral Control of Nervous Disorders by Elwood Worcester 1908

The Christian Religion as a Healing Power - a defense and exposition of the Emmanuel movement by Elwood Worcester 1909

The Errors of Mind Healing by Reinhold Willman 1909

Not Hypnotism but Suggestion by HH Brown 1918

Divine Healing by R Kelso Carter

Divine Science and Healing by Malinda Cramer 1902

Divine Healing of Soul and Body by EE Byrum 1892

Jewish Science - Divine healing in Judaism, with special reference to the Jewish Scriptures and prayer book by Alfred G Moses 1916

Incubation - the Cure of Disease in Pagan Temples and Christian Churches by Mary Hamilton 1906

Disease-Spirits and Divine Cures among the Greeks and Romans by Cesidio R Simboli 1921

Ancient Cures, Charms, and Usages of Ireland - contributions to Irish Lore by Lady Wilde 1890

Suggestive Therapeutics and Hypnotism by Herbert Parkyn 1900

The Origin and Growth of the Healing Art - a popular history of medicine in all ages and all countries by Edward Berdoe 1893

Mental and Physical Electropathy by A Paige 1852

Electropathy - a new method of treating disease by electricity 1883

Plain Talk to the Sick - with Directions for Homoeopathic Treatment and General Rules for the Preservation of Health by Adam Miller 1879

Iridiagnosis and other Diagnostic Methods by Henry Lindlahr 1919

Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine by George Gould 1900

The Triumphal Chariot of Antimony by Basilius Valentinus 1893

The History and Heroes of the Art of Medicine by John R Russell 1861

Collectanea Chemica - being certain select treatises on Alchemy and Hermetic Medicine 1893

The Pharmacy of the Bible by JT Slugg 1872

Chronicles of Pharmacy, Volume 1 by AC Wootton 1910

Chronicles of Pharmacy, Volume 2 by AC Wootton 1910

Organon of the Art of Healing by Samuel Hahnemann 1896 (Homeopathy)

The Relation of Homoeopathy to Natural Science by Edward B Atkins 1889

Family Homoeopathy by John Ellis 1881

The Stepping-stone to Homeopathy and Health by Edward H Ruddock 1902

Rogers' Homeopathic Guide - a popular treatise, containing a brief description of all diseases, with practical hints for their prevention and cure by LD Rogers 1896

The Standard Household Physician by William Peabody Defriez 1892

The Scientific Basis of Homeopathy by William Holcombe 1852

The Folk-lore of Plants by TFT Dyer 1889

My Own Physician 1848

A Summary of New Remedies by Thomas Dolan 1886

Outlines of the Ancient History of Medicine by DM Moir 1831

Medicine and Astrology, by Henry Phillips 1867

Astrology in Medicine by Charles Arthus Mercier 1914

Greek Biology and Medicine by Henry Osborn Taylor 1922

Curiosities of Medical Experience, Volume 1 by JG Millingen 1837

Curiosities of Medical Experience, Volume 2 by JG Millingen 1837

Failures of Vegetarianism by Eustace H Mills 1902

Thirty-nine Reasons Why I am a Vegetarian by Henry S Clubb 1903

Therapeutic Dietetics - The Science of Health Foods and their Medicinal Values by Norton FW Hazeldine 1908

Vegetable Diet as Sanctioned by Medical Men by William A Alcott 1853

Eat and be Healthy by Virgil MacMickle 1919

Psychotherapy including the History of the use of Mental Influence by James J Walsh 1912

Suggestion and Psychotherapy by George W Jacoby 1912

The Good Samaritan (Botanic Medical Practice) by Dr W. Johnston 1841

The Sick Man's Friend by G Whitaker 1870

1 comment:

  1. "The Christian era introduced some light into the medical, as well as the religious world; yet we learn, by both sacred and profane writers, that truth and knowledge were the exceptions, and ignorance and humbug were the rule by which medicine was practised by those who pretended to the art. Names changed, characters remained the same. The priests still held their own, and were not, as already shown, to be gotten rid of, as the witches and wizards, their rivals and imitators, by litigation, nor was their power broken until the Decree of the Council of Tours in 1163 A. D.,
    which prohibited priests and deacons from performing certain surgical operations. After the Reformation the vocations of spiritual and medical adviser diverged wider and wider, until now a priest or minister is seldom consulted for bodily infirmities, and only by persons of the most ignorant and superstitious denominations." ~ The Funny Side of Physic
