Tuesday, October 6, 2015

The Historical Jesus Debate - 100 Old Books to Download

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The Historical Jesus of Nazareth 1876 by Max Schlesinger


The Historical Jesus by Charles Piepenbring

The Historical Jesus and Mythical Christ by Gerald Massey

The Life of Jesus, Critically Examined by David Friedrich Strauss - 1892
The Life of Jesus, Critically Examined was a sensation. One reviewer called it "the Iscariotism of our days" and another "the most pestilential book ever vomited out of the jaws of hell." When he was elected to a chair of theology in the University of Zürich, the appointment provoked such a storm of controversy that the authorities decided to pension him before he began his duties.
What made his book so controversial was his analysis of the miraculous elements in the gospels as being "mythical" in character. The Leben Jesu closed a period in which scholars wrestled with the miraculous nature of the New Testament in the rational views of the Enlightenment. One group consisted of "rationalists", who found logical, rational explanations for the apparently miraculous occurrences; the other group, the "supernaturalists", defended not only the historical accuracy of the biblical accounts, but also the element of direct divine intervention. Strauss dispels the actuality of the stories as "happenings" and reads them solely on a mythic level. Moving from miracle to miracle, he understood all as the product of the early church's use of Jewish ideas about what the Messiah would be like, in order to express the conviction that Jesus was indeed the Messiah. With time the book created a new epoch in the textual and historical treatment of the rise of Christianity.

The Resurrection In The New Testament An Examination Of The Earliest References To The Rising Of Jesus And Of Christians From The Dead (1911) Clayton Raymond Bowen

A critical essay on the Gospel of St. Luke (1825) by Schleiermacher
Friedrich Daniel Ernst Schleiermacher (November 21, 1768 – February 12, 1834) was a German theologian and philosopher known for his impressive attempt to reconcile the criticisms of the Enlightenment with traditional Protestant orthodoxy.

The Jesus of History by T.R. Glover

The Jesus of History by Richard Hanson 1869

The Christ of Faith and the Jesus of History by D.M. Ross 1921

The Jesus of History and the Jesus of Tradition Identified by George Solomon 1880


The Historical Jesus and the Theological Christ by JE Carpenter 1912

The Historical Jesus and the Christs of Faith, article in the Contemporary Review 1896

The Christ of History and of Experience by David Forrest 1901

The Historicity of Jesus - A Criticism of the Contention that Jesus Never Existed by Shirley Jackson Case 1912

The Witnesses to the Historicity of Jesus by Arthur Drews 1912

Fragments from Reimarus consisting of brief critical remarks on the object of Jesus and His disciples as seen in the New Testament 1879

(Hermann Samuel Reimarus rejected miracles and accusing Bible authors of fraud)
What is the truth about Jesus Christ? Problems of Christology by Friedrich Loofs - 1913

Unbelief in the Eighteenth Century by John Cairns 1881

The Mythical Collapse of historical Christianity, article in The Hibbert journal 1911

The Miracles of Christ Critically Examined, article in The Princeton review 1871

The Historical Jesus, a survey of positions by JM Robertson 1916

The Jesus Problem - A Restatement of the Myth Theory by JM Robertson 1917

Pagan Christs - Studies in Comparative Hierology by JM Robertson 1911

Christianity and Mythology by JM Robertson 1910

Christology and Criticism, article in The Catholic World 1910

Messianic Philosophy - an Historical and Critical Examination of the evidence for the existence, death, resurrection, ascension, and divinity of Jesus Christ by Gideon Marsh 1908

Jesus, after Criticism, article in Homiletic review 1914

An Introduction to the life of Jesus; an Investigation of the Historical Sources by AW Anthony 1899

Lessing's Theology and Times, article in Essays, Reviews, and Addresses: Personal, political By James Martineau 1891

(Lessing argued against the belief in revelation and the holding on to a literal interpretation of the Bible, and rejected miracles)

Jesus in History and Legend - A Criticism from the Jewish Point of View, article in New era illustrated magazine 1904

Christianity and the Chief forms of Assault, article in Bibliotheca Sacra 1868

Mark's Gospel and the Synoptic Problem by AT Robertson, article in The Constructive quarterly 1918

Christ and the Doctors, article in The Atlantic monthly 1911

The First Easter Dawn - An Inquiry into the Evidence for the Resurrection of Jesus by Charles Gorham 1908

Life and ministry of Jesus according to the Historical and Critical Method by Rudolf Otto 1908

German Theology, article in The contemporary review 1871

The Historical Evidence for the Resurrection of Jesus Christ by Kirsopp Lake 1907

The Jesus of the Evangelists, His Historical Character vindicated by CA Row 1868

The Development of Theology in Germany since Kant by JF Smith 1890

History of German Theology in the 19th Century by F Lichtenberger 1890

Jesus as Problem, Teacher, Personality and Force by F. Bornemann 1910

The Christ of Primitive Christian Faith in Light of Religio-Historical Criticism, article in The Monist 1904

The Life of Jesus Christ in its historical connexion and historical development by August Neander 1853

Liberal Orthodoxy - A Historical Survey by Henry Clark 1914

Recent Christian progress by LB Paton 1909 (Articles include: Higher Criticism of the Old Testament, New Testament Textual Criticism, New Testament Exegesis, Higher Criticism of the New Testament, History of the Life of Christ etc)

The Real Jesus, and, Recent Discussion on the Messiahship of Jesus, articles in The Biblical world 1909

A Turning Point in the Synoptic Criticism, article in The Harvard theological review 1908

Jesus and the Prophets - An Historical, Exegetical, and Interpretative Discussion of the Use of Old Testament Prophecy by Jesus and of His Attitude towards it BY Charles MacFarland 1905

The Conception of Authority in the Pauline Writings by Alonzo Willard Fortune 1918

The Life of Christ by B Weiss Volume 1 1883

The Life of Christ by B Weiss Volume 2 1883

The Life of Christ by B Weiss Volume 3 1883

Toward the understanding of Jesus, and other historical studies by V Simkhowitsch 1921

The Historical Man of Nazareth by Wilbur Bryant 1908

Christianity as the Pleroma, article in The Open Court 1909

The Historicity of Jesus - An Estimate of the Negative Argument, article in The American Journal of Theology 1911

The Christology of the Epistle to the Hebrews by Harris Lachlan MacNeill 1914

Did Jesus Really Live?: A debate held in Orchestra Hall 1908

Jesus: Myth, Man or God by JM Peebles 1870

Did Jesus Really Live? A Reply to The Christ Myth by Arthur Drews 1911

The Historical New Testament by James Moffatt 1901

Did Jesus Write his own Gospel? by WP MacVey 1912

The Jesus of the Gospels, article in The Religious Magazine and Monthly Review 1872

What was Primitive Christianity, article in Frasers Magazine 1875

Jesus: Mythical and Real - Article in The Dublin University Magazine 1868


Christianity and Agnosticism: A Controversy by Henry Wace, Thomas Henry Huxley, William Connor Magee, William Hurrell Mallock, Humphry Ward 1889
"Seventy years later comes the Montpellier physician, Jean Astruc. He first notices the key to the whole enigma, the distinctive use made of the words 'Elohim' and 'Jahveh.' This leads him to the supposition of different strata in the Pentateuch, and from him descend in direct line Kuenen and Wellhausen. It is instructive, by the  way, to notice that all the time Astruc will have nothing to say to arguments against the Mosaic authorship of the Pentateuch."

A History of the Textual Criticism of the New Testament
by Marvin Richardson Vincent 1899

The Problem of the Old Testament Considered with Reference to Recent Criticism by James Orr 1906

Old Testament Criticism and the Christian Church by John Edgar McFadyen 1903
"In the first place, the very words Higher Criticism are odious to many, because of what they seem to involve. To not a few, Biblical criticism of any kind is practically synonymous with impiety: what is man that he should dare to criticise the word of God ? And " higher" suggests presumption. The term is no doubt unfortunate, but fair minds should not allow the term to create an initial prejudice against the process for which the term stands. Criticism is not destruction. It is judgment."
History of the Sacred Scriptures of the New Testament by Eduard Reuss 1884 (Volume 2)
"Johann Salomo Semler was the first to undertake to improve upon the common conceptions of the canon. He gave to his criticism an essentially historical basis by commending and practicing the study of the ancient ecclesiastical literature, thus leading to a recognition of the gradual and fluctuating formation of our present collection."

Reconstruction in Theology by Henry Churchill King 1901
"It is unfortunate that in the early stages of higher criticism in America, for particular reasons, it came to be associated, in the minds of many, with a rather bitter and arrogant spirit; and it is even more unfortunate that, for many more, for other special reasons, it was identified with the most extreme results of an a priori anti-supernaturalistic school."

The higher criticism and the Bible by William Binnington Boyce 1881

A Reply to Harnack on the Essence of Christianity by Hermann Cremer 1903

The Genesis of Genesis by Benjamin Wisner Bacon 1891

The Quarterly Review 1863
"Truly the higher criticism indulges in strange assertions and very absurd difficulties! With regard to the second passage, we may ask why a Redactor and an Elohist are to be called into existence to explain the alternation of names in this passage more than in Exod. iii. 4, Ps. xxxvi. 6-8, or Ps. Ixix. 13, 30-35, &c. &c. It is not the higher criticism, but plain common sense, which is needed to reject such arguments. But this is only one proof out of many that the magic wand of modern exegesis transforms that which would be esteemed worthless in the mouth of a believer into 'high criticism' in that of a sceptical commentator."

The New Appreciation of the Bible by Willard Chamberlain Selleck 1906

The Old Testament and the New Scholarship by John Punnett Peters 1902

The Bible in the Nineteenth Century: Eight Lectures by Joseph Estlin Carpenter 1903

Dr. Friedrich Bleek's Lectures on the Apocalypse by Friedrich Bleek, Samuel Davidson 1875

Evidences of Christianity by Lonsdale Ragg 1909
"THE BIBLE AND MODERN CRITICISM often attack religion with the weapon of the 'Higher Criticism.' Scientific criticism, they say, has utterly discredited the Bible ; and with the Bible falls Christianity. Any one, however, who will take the trouble to read a little book like Professor Kirkpatrick's Divine Library of the 0ld Testament, may see something of the real tendency and scope of the Higher Criticism. If anything is discredited by sound criticism, it is the mistaken theory of verbal inspiration, which allowed the Bible no kinship whatever with non-biblical literature, and refused to recognise in it a human element, as the medium through which God has spoken to man."

Six lectures on the higher criticism upon the Old Testament by William Binnington Boyce 1878

Founders of Old Testament Criticism: Biographical, Descriptive, and Critical by Thomas Kelly Cheyne 1893
Our Bible and the Ancient Manuscripts: Being a History of the Text by Frederic George Kenyon 1898

The Text of the New Testament by Kirsopp Lake 1908

The Christ of Today by George Angier Gordon 1896
"The higher criticism mutilates our Bible, if the Bible does not witness to something greater than itself. This modern method of investigation comes in the name of pure scholarship, with the authority of historical science, and destroys the letter. If one does not reach the Christ through both Testaments, if one cannot invoke him for the determination of their worth, one must have a horror of the higher criticism."

Theology at the Dawn of the Twentieth Century: Essays on the Present Status by John Vyrnwy Morgan 1900 (many dark pages)

The Higher Criticism: An Outline of Modern Biblical Study by Charles Wesley Rishell 1893

The Books of Chronicles in Relation to the Pentateuch and the "higher criticism" by Arthur Charles Hervey 1892

Kanamori's Life-story Told by Himself: How the Higher Criticism Wrecked a Japanese Christian - And How He Came Back by Paul M. Kanamori - 1921

Thought and Religion: Or, The Mutual Contributions of Philosophy and Theology by James William Lowber 1912

Is the Higher Criticism Scholarly?: Clearly Attested Facts Showing that the Destructive "assured results of modern criticism" are indefensible, by Robert Dick Wilson 1922

Results of Higher Criticism: As Applied to the Old Testament by Winfield Scott Crowe 1894

The Life of Jesus in the Light of the Higher Criticism by Alfred Wilhelm Martin 1913 (first 279 pages only)

The Authority of Holy Scripture: An Inaugural Address by Charles Augustus Briggs 1891
"It is just here that the Higher Criticism has proved such a terror in our times. Traditionalists are crying out that it is destroying the Bible, because it is exposing their fallacies and follies. It may be regarded as the certain result of the science of the Higher Criticism that Moses did not write the Pentateuch or Job; Ezra did not write the Chronicles, Ezra, or Nehemiah; Jeremiah did not write the Kings or Lamentations; David did not write the Psalter, but only a few of the Psalms; Solomon did not write the Song of Songs or Ecclesiastes, and only a portion of the Proverbs; Isaiah did not write half of the book that bears his name."
The Higher Criticism of the Hexateuch by Charles Augustus Briggs 1893

The Crisis of the Churches by Leighton Parks 1922 (first 222 pages only)

The Essence of Christianity by Ludwig Feuerbach 1881

The Pentateuch in the Light of To-day: Being a Simple Introduction to the Pentateuch on the Lines of Higher Criticism by Alfred Holborn 1902

The Failure of the "higher Criticism" of the Bible by Emil Reich 1905
"The sad truth is that Higher Criticism is an act of retrograde, decadent science; an act, a method long condemned and laughed at in various other branches of historical and legal study."

An Introduction to the Literature of the Old Testament by Samuel Rolles Driver 1914

The Life of Jesus, Critically Examined by David Friedrich Strauss - 1892

Prolegomena to the History of Israel: With a Reprint of the Article Israel from the Encyclopedia Brittanica by Julius Wellhausen 1885
"Wellhausen was famous for his critical investigations into Old Testament history and the composition of the Hexateuch, the uncompromising scientific attitude he adopted in testing its problems bringing him into antagonism with the older school of biblical interpreters. He is perhaps most well-known for his Prolegomena zur Geschichte Israels of 1883 (first published 1878 as Geschichte Israels), in which he advanced a definitive formulation of the Documentary hypothesis, arguing that the Torah or Pentateuch had its origins in a redaction of four originally independent texts dating from several centuries after the time of Moses, their traditional author. Wellhausen's hypothesis remained the dominant paradigm for Pentateuchal studies until the last quarter of the 20th century, when it began to be challenged by scholars who saw more and more hands at work in the Torah, ascribing them to periods even later than Wellhausen had proposed."

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