Thursday, September 10, 2015

Jewish History & Mysteries - 220 Books to Download

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Books Scanned from the Originals into PDF format

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Books are in the public domain. I will take checks or money orders as well.

Contents of Disk:

History of the Jewish Physicians by E Carmoly 1845

Old-time Makers of Medicine by James Walsh (Great Jewish physicians) 1911

The Jewish Fairy Book by Gerald Friedlander - 1920

Divination and Demonology among the Hindus, Hebrews, Arabs and Egyptians by TW Davies 1910

Tales from the Talmud by E R Montague 1908 ("When a child laughs in its sleep, Lilith is laughing and playing with it, and will take it unless the child be sharply-awakened and Lilith bidden")

Demonology and devil-lore Volume 1 by Moncure Daniel Conway

Demonology and devil-lore Volume 2 by Moncure Daniel Conway 1879
(Madonnas — Adam's first wife — Her flight and doom — Creation of devils — Lilith marries Samael — Tree of Life — Lilith's part in the Temptation — Her locks — Lamia — Bodeima — Meschia and Meschiane — Amazons — Maternity — Rib-theory of Woman — Captivity of Woman.)

A translation of the treatise Chagigah from the Babylonian Talmud by AW Streane 1891

A History of the Jewish People in the Time of Jesus Christ, Volume 1 by Emil Schürer 1886

A History of the Jewish People in the Time of Jesus Christ, Volume 2 by Emil Schürer 1886

A History of the Jewish People in the Time of Jesus Christ, Volume 3 by Emil Schürer 1886

A History of the Jewish People in the Time of Jesus Christ, Volume 4 by Emil Schürer 1886

A History of the Jewish People in the Time of Jesus Christ, Volume 5 by Emil Schürer 1886

The Wandering Jew, Volume 1 by Eugene Sue 1889 (this book was considered "anti-Catholic" in its time and was banned by the Church)

The Wandering Jew, Volume 2 by Eugene Sue 1889

The Wandering Jew, Volume 3 by Eugene Sue 1889

The History of Sabatai Sevi - The Pretended Messiah, article in The Quiver 1887

The Evil Eye. An account of this ancient and wide spread superstition by FT Elworthy 1895

Curiosities of Superstition, and sketches of some Unrevealed Religions by WH Adams 1882

Hebrew idolatry and Superstition by Elford Higgens 1893

The Origin and Interpretation of the Tetragrammaton by Hans Spoer 1901

The Tetra(?)grammaton, article in the Jewish Quarterly Review 1903

Hebrew characters derived from hieroglyphics by John Lamb - 1835

The Hebrews in Egypt and Their Exodus by Alexander Wheelock Thayer 1892

View of the Hebrews by Ethan Smith 1823 (This book argues that Native Americans were descended from the Ten Lost Tribes and some have noted similarities between this book and the Book of Mormon)

Legends of the Patriarchs and Prophets by S Baring Gould 1881

Legends of Babylon and Egypt in relation to Hebrew tradition by LW King 1918

The Septuagint and Jewish worship - a study in origins by Henry St John Thackeray 1921

The Early Poetry of Israel in its Physical and Social Origins by George Adam Smith 1912

Treasures of Two Worlds - Unpublished Legends and Traditions of the Jewish Nation by Naphtali Herz Imber 1910

The Best Ghost Stories by Joseph Lewis French 1919 (features the Jewish story: “The Silent Woman” by Leopold Kompert)

Semitic Magic: its origins and development - Reginald Campbell Thompson - 1908

The Evolution of the Hebrew People and their influence on civilization by Laura H Wild 1917

Genius and Spirit of the Hebrew Bible by CS Rafinesque 1838

Identity of the Religions Called Druidical and Hebrew 1829

Tales of Jewish History, Volume 1 1843

Tales of Jewish History, Volume 2 1843

Tales of Jewish History, Volume 3 1843

The Jewish Religion in the time of Jesus by Georg Holmann 1909

The Religion of the Old Testament; its place among the Religions of the nearer East by Karl Marti 1907

The Philosophy of the Bible by David Neumark (Professor of Jewish Philosophy) 1918

The History of the Hebrew Nation and its literature by Samuel Sharpe 1890

The Ophion - The Theology of the Serpent, and the unity of God by John Bellamy 1811

Four Notes on the Book of Enoch by FC Burkitt, article in the Journal of Theological Studies 1907

The Book of Enoch translated from August Dillman's text 1893 (The Book of Enoch plays an important role in the history of Jewish mysticism: the great scholar Gershom Scholem wrote, "The main subjects of the later Merkabah mysticism already occupy a central position in the older esoteric literature, best represented by the Book of Enoch.")

The Book of Enoch translated from the Ethiopic with Notes by George H Schodde 1882

The Book of the Secrets of Enoch by William Morfill 1896

The Book of Enoch the Prophet by Richard Laurence 1883

Enoch Restitutus, an Attempt to Separate from the Books of Enoch the book quoted by St. Jude, also a comparison of the chronology of Enoch with the Hebrew Computation, and with the periods mentioned in the book of Daniel and in the Apocalypse, Includes "The book of Enoch, to which are added parallel passages from the Scriptures" by Edward Murray 1836

The Book of Enoch, the Prophet: An Apocryphal Production, Supposed for Ages to Have Been Lost by Richard Laurence 1838

The Book of Enoch, a chapter in the book _The Christology of Jesus_ by James Stalker 1899

The Serpent in Genesis, article in The Unitarian Review and Religious Magazine
"This book of Enoch was written by a genius. Dean Stanley calls it the Divina Comedia of its period. It seems to have created a sensation when first written, and is quoted by the early Fathers. It then disappeared for centuries, and was supposed to be irrecoverably lost."

Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha of the Old Testament, Volume 1, by RH Charles, 1913

Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha of the Old Testament, Volume 2, by RH Charles, 1913

Pseudepigrapha - an account of certain Apocryphal sacred writings of the Jews and early Christians by WJ Deane 1891

The Apocrypha Greek and English, in Parallel Columns 1871

The Books of the Apocrypha. Their origin, teaching and contents by Oesterley WOE 1915

The Bible that was Lost and is Found by John Bigelow 1912

Lilith - Legend of the First Woman by Ada Langworthy Collier 1885

Lilith, Adam's First Wife - Article in the Sunday Magazine 1884

The Lilith Legend, article in The Museum Journal 1912

Assumption of Moses by RH Charles

The Book of Jasher 1887

The Uncanonical Jewish Books - a short introduction to the Apocrypha and other Jewish writings 200 B.C.-100 A.D by William J Farrar 1918

The Five Books of Maccabees in English by Henry Cotton 1832

Apocalypse of Abraham and the Ascension of Isaiah by GH Box 1918

The Apocalypse of Baruch by RH Charles 1918

The Apocalypse of Ezra by GH Box 1917

Mythical Elements in the Samson Story, article in the Monist 1907

Old Testament legends, being stories out of some of the less-known apocryphal books of the Old Testament by MR James 1913

Jewish and Christian Apocalypses by F Crawford Burkitt 1913

The Sixth and Seventh Books of Moses - the wonderful magical and spirit arts of Moses and Aaron 1910

Joseph and Moses, the founders of Israel by Buchanan Blake 1902

Influence of Judaism on the Protestant Reformation by Heinrich Graetz 1867

The Legends of the Jews, Volume 1 by Louis Ginzberg 1909

The Legends of the Jews, Volume 2 by Louis Ginzberg 1909

The Legends of the Jews, Volume 3 by Louis Ginzberg 1909

The Legends of the Jews, Volume 4 by Louis Ginzberg 1909

Rabbinic Philosophy and Ethics illustrated by Haggadic Parables and Legends by Gerald Friedlander 1912

Extra-Biblical sources for Hebrew and Jewish History by Samuel Mercer 1913

Sepher Haggadah, Consisting of Parables and Legends from the Talmud and Midrash by Gerald Friedlander 1914

The Hammer - a story of the Maccabean Times by Alfred J Church 1890

The Age of the Maccabees by Henry F Henderson 1900

Judas the Maccabee and the Asmonean Princes by WM Blackburn 1864

Dentistry in the Bible and Talmud by Samuel Greif 1918

Talmudic and Other Legends by L Weiss 1888'

The Jewish law of Divorce according to Bible and Talmud by David W Amram 1896

Wisdom and the Jewish Apocryphal Writings by W. B. Stevenson - 1903

Twelve Centuries of Jewish Persecution by Gustav Pearlson - 1898

Coins of the Jews by JW Madden 1881

Judaism and Islam and Abraham Geiger 1898

The Religious and Philosophies of the East by JM Kennedy 1911

Jewish Characters in Fiction by Harry Levi 1911

Stories from the Rabbis by Abram Samuel Isaacs 1893

Elements of the Jewish and Muhammadan (Islamic) Calendars with rules and tables and explanatory notes on the Julian and Gregorian Calendars Sherrard Beaumont Burnaby 1901

A Jewish Interpretation of the Book of Genesis by Rabbi Julian Morgenstern 1920

Intermediaries in Jewish Theology (Memra, Shekinah, Metatron) by George Foote Moore 1920

Legends of Old Testament Characters from Talmudic Sources by S Baring Gould 1871

Myth and Legend in the Bible by K Snowden 1915

Mythology Among the Hebrews by Ignaz Goldziher 1877

The book of Jubilees - The little Genesis by RH Charles 1902

The Fallen Angels and the Heroes of Mythology by John Fleming 1897

Traditions and beliefs of ancient Israel by TK Cheyne 1907

Was Enoch a Solar Myth by A Ben Shemesh 1885

On this disk you also have these books by Moses Gaster, a scholar who found and collected strange ancient manuscripts:

Jewish folk-lore in the middle ages 1887

The Sibyl and the Dream of 100 Suns: an Old Apocryphon

An Unknown Hebrew Version of the History of Judith

The Chronicles of Jerahmeel 1899

Plus You Get:

Maimonides and Halevi - a study in Typical Jewish attitudes towards Greek philosophy in the Middles Ages by Harry Wolfson 1912

Maimonides by David Yellin 1903

The Guide for the Perplexed by Mainmonides 1904

Moses Maimonides by Israel Friedlaender 1905

The Eight Chapters of Maimonides on Ethics 1912

Rabbi Wisdom by Martin Buber, article in The Living Age 1922

The Philosophy of Don Hasdai Crescas by Meyer Waxman 1920

Crescas on the Problem of Divine attributes by Harry Wolfson 1916

Note on Crescas' Definition of Time by Harry Wolfson 1919

A History of Mediaeval Jewish philosophy - I Husik 1916

A Book of Jewish thoughts by Joseph Hertz 1920

Anarchism by Emma Goldman 1917

Justice to the Jew - The story of what he has done for the World by Madison Clinton Peters 1899

Judah Messer Leon's Commentary on the "Vetus Logica" with a glossary of Hebrew Logical and philosophical terms by Isaac Husik 1906

The Problem of Space in Jewish Mediaeval Philosophy by Israel Efros 1917

Jewish Ideals and Other Essays by J Jacobs 1896

The Standard Book of Jewish verse by Joseph Friedlander 1917

The Improvement of the Moral Qualities - an ethical treatise of the 11th century by Solomon ibn Gabirol together with a translation and an essay on the place of Gabirol in the history of the development of Jewish ethics 1901

Step by step - a story of the early days of Moses Mendelssohn by AS Issacs 1910

Memoirs of Moses Mendelsohn, the Jewish philosopher by M Samuels 1827

Jewish Literature by Gustave Karpeles 1911

Outlines of Jewish history by Katie Magnus 1890

Outlines of Jewish history by Franci Gigot 1897

Problems of Quantum Theory in the Light of the Theory of Perturbations by Paul Epstein 1922

The Principles and Application of Imaginary Quantities by Benjamin Gompertz 1817

A Short Account of the History of Mathematics by WW Rouse Ball 1915

The Principle of Relativity - original papers by A. Einstein and H. Minkowski 1920

The Study of the Hebrew Language Among Jews and Christians, article in THE BIBLIOTHECA SACRA 1884

Jewish achievement By Mendel Silber 1910

What is Judaism? A survey of Jewish life, thought and achievement by AS Isaacs 1912

Jewish ethical idealism by Frank H Ridgley 1918

Jewish Dreams and Realities Contrasted with Islamitic and Christian claims by Henry Iliowizi 1890

The Messiah idea in Jewish history by Julius Greenstone 1906

Jewish Science by Alfred Moses 1916

Jesus the Jew by Harris Weinstock 1902

Jesus and the Thought of the World (Jewish View of Jesus) by Martin Meyer 1914

Jewish Theology by Solomon Levy 1920

Jewish Theology Systematically and Historically Considered by K Kaufmann 1918

Philo Judaeus - The Jewish-Alexandrian Philosophy in its development and completion, Volume 1, by James Drummond 1888

Philo Judaeus - The Jewish-Alexandrian Philosophy in its development and completion, Volume 2, by James Drummond 1888

Aspects of the Hebrew Genius, a Volume of essays on Jewish literature and thought by Leon Simon 1910

The Reasons of the Laws of Moses by Moses Maimonides 1827

Two Lectures on the life and writings of Maimonides by Abraham Benisch 1847

Jew and Gentile - essays on Jewish apologetics and kindred historical subjects by G Deutsch 1920

Reformed Judaism and its pioneers. A contribution to its history by Emanuel Schreiber 1892

A Short History of Jewish literature by I Abrahams 1906

The Future Belongs to the People (In Defense of Rosa Luxemburg) by Karl Paul August Friedrich Liebknecht 1918

The History of the Jews in Spain and Portugal by James Finn 1841

History of the Jews by Heinrich Graetz Volume 1, 1891

History of the Jews by Heinrich Graetz Volume 2, 1891

History of the Jews by Heinrich Graetz Volume 3, 1891

History of the Jews by Heinrich Graetz Volume 4, 1891

History of the Jews by Heinrich Graetz Volume 5, 1891

Selected writings of Isaac M. Wise 1900

Jewish Life in the Middle Ages by Israel Abrahams 1919

Einstein, the Searcher - his work explained from dialogues with Einstein by A. Moszkowski 1921

Easy lessons in Einstein - a discussion of the more intelligible features of the Theory of Relativity / with an article by Albert Einstein and a bibliography 1920 by EE Slosson

The Einstein Theory of Relativity- a concise statement by Hendrik Lorentz 1920

Einstein and the Universe by Charles Nordmann 1922

Jewish Literature from the Eighth to the Eighteenth Century by Moritz Steinschneider 1857

Jewish contributions to civilization by Joseph Jacobs 1919

A Zionist Primer by S Doniger 1917

A Guide to Zionism by Jessie Sampter 1920

Reminiscences of Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy by Elise Polko 1869

Mendelssohn by William Rockstro 1884

Manual of Jewish History by David Cassel 1902

The Celebrities of the Jews by Avigdor Chaikin 1899 (Part 1)

The Jewish Historico-critical School of the 19th Century by Nathan Stern 1901

Studies in Judaism by Solomon Schechter 1896

Jewish post-Biblical History through Great Personalities from Jochanan ben Zakkai through Moses Mendelssohn by Adele Bildersee 1918

The History of Yiddish Literature in the 19th century by Leo Weiner 1899

Post-Biblical Hebrew Literature by B Halper 1921

Karl Marx his Life and Work by John Spargo

The Psychopathology of Everyday Life by Sigmund Freud 1914

The Interpretation of Dreams by Sigmund Freud 1913 (three of Freud's sisters were later killed in Nazi concentration camps)

Psycho-Analysis - a Brief Account of the Freudian Theory by Barbara Low 1920

Freud's Theories of the Neuroses by Eduard Hitschmann 1913

Three Contributions to the Sexual Theory by S Freud 1910

Leonardo da Vinci - a Psychosexual Study of an Infantile Reminiscence by Sigmund Freud 1916

A General Introduction to Psycho-analysis by Sigmund Freud 1922

Essays on the writings of Abraham ibn Ezra Volume 4 by M Friedländer 1877

Past and Present - a collection of Jewish essays by M Friedländer 1919

Spinoza'a Short Treatise on God by A Wolf 1910

A Study of Spinoza by James Martineau 1883

French Thought and Spinozism, article in Contemporary Review 1877

Spinoza as Educator by WL Rabenort 1911

Spinoza - A Novel by B Auerbach 1882

Spinoza, his life and philosophy by F Pollock 1899

The Ethics of Spinoza, article in The Theological review 1870

The Idealism of Spinoza  - John Clark Murray 1896

Spinoza and His Environment: A Critical Essay with a Translation of the Ethics by Henry Smith 1886 (poor scan)

Spinoza - Four Essays by Jan Pieter Nicolaas Land, Kuno Fischer , Johannes van Vloten , Ernest Renan 1882

Spinoza's Political and Ethical Philosophy by Robert Duff 1903

Spinoza: a Handbook to the Ethics by J Picton 1907

Spinozism - The Religion of Gladness, article in Fraser's Magazine 1878

Spinoza and Religion - a Study of Spinoza's Metaphysics and of his Particular Utterances in regard to Religion by Elmer Powell 1906

Spinoza by John Caird 1888 (Jewish Philosophers, Kabbala, Descartes, Ethics)

The Chief Works of Benedict de Spinoza Volume 1 1891

The Chief Works of Benedict de Spinoza Volume 2 1891

Aspects of Jewish Life and Thought 1922

Hebraic Literature - Translations from the Talmud, Midrashim and Kabbala by M Harris 1901

The Social Significance of the Modern Drama by Emma Goldman 1914

The Jewish Encyclopedia - a descriptive record of the history, religion, literature, and customs of the Jewish people from the earliest times to the present day, Volume 1 1901

The Jewish Encyclopedia - a descriptive record of the history, religion, literature, and customs of the Jewish people from the earliest times to the present day, Volume 2 1901

The Jewish Encyclopedia - a descriptive record of the history, religion, literature, and customs of the Jewish people from the earliest times to the present day, Volume 3 1901

The Jewish Encyclopedia - a descriptive record of the history, religion, literature, and customs of the Jewish people from the earliest times to the present day, Volume 4 1901

The Jewish Encyclopedia - a descriptive record of the history, religion, literature, and customs of the Jewish people from the earliest times to the present day, Volume 5 1901

The Jewish Encyclopedia - a descriptive record of the history, religion, literature, and customs of the Jewish people from the earliest times to the present day, Volume 6 1901

The Jewish Encyclopedia - a descriptive record of the history, religion, literature, and customs of the Jewish people from the earliest times to the present day, Volume 7 1901

The Jewish Encyclopedia - a descriptive record of the history, religion, literature, and customs of the Jewish people from the earliest times to the present day, Volume 8 1901

The Jewish Encyclopedia - a descriptive record of the history, religion, literature, and customs of the Jewish people from the earliest times to the present day, Volume 9 1901

The Jewish Encyclopedia - a descriptive record of the history, religion, literature, and customs of the Jewish people from the earliest times to the present day, Volume 10 1901

The Jewish Encyclopedia - a descriptive record of the history, religion, literature, and customs of the Jewish people from the earliest times to the present day, Volume 11 1901

The Jewish Encyclopedia - a descriptive record of the history, religion, literature, and customs of the Jewish people from the earliest times to the present day, Volume 12 1901

Plus you get the following books on Jewish Literature:

Legends and Tales in Prose and Verse by Isabel E Cohen 1905

Chapters on Jewish Literature by Israel Abrahams 1899

The Antichrist Legend: A Chapter in Christian and Jewish Folklore by W. Boussett 1896

Hebrew Humour and Other Essays by J Chotzner 1905

Differences, by Nathan Mayer 1967

As it Was Written - a Jewish Musician's Story by Sidney Luska 1900 (actually written by a non-Jew pretending to be Jewish in order to sell more books. It worked.)

The Chosen People by Sidney L Nyburg 1917

The Rise of David Levinsky by Abraham Cahan 1917

Yekl - a Tale of the New York Ghetto by Abraham Cahan 1896

Joseph Zalmonah by Edward King 1893

Other Things being Equal by Emma Wolf 1916

Children of Men by Bruno Lessing 1903

Fanny Herself by Edna Ferber 1917

Daughters of Shem by Samuel Gordon 1898

In Those Days - the Story of an Old Man by Judah Steinberg 1915

Friday Night - A Selection of Tales Illustrating Hebrew life by Isaac Isaacs 1870

Tales told in Palestine by JE Hanauer 1904

Silver Store, collected from Mediaeval Christian and Jewish Mines by S Baring-Gould 1882

The Jew in German Literature by Albert M Friedenberg 1907

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