Thursday, September 17, 2015

Was Jesus a Socialist / Communist? 50 Books to Download

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Books Scanned from the Originals into PDF format

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With Christianity today promoting Individualism and Free Market Principles, it is interesting to note that many in the 19th Century felt that Jesus was a Socialist or a Communist. These are their words.

Contents of Disk (created on a Windows computer):

Jesus the Socialist by Dennis Hird 1908

Jesus Christ And The Social Question by Francis Greenwood Peabody 1900

The social principles of Jesus by W Rauschenbusch 1916

Socialism and the ethics of Jesus by HC Vedder 1912

Socialism from Genesis to Revelation by FM Sprague 1893

The Social Ideals of the Lord's Prayer by Perry James Stackhouse 1916 ("Indeed, the teaching of Jesus is so much in the opposite direction that some have argued that Jesus was a Socialist, a labor leader, a champion of the poor and outcast against the privileged classes of his day. (Matt. 2: 5;19: 16-25; Luke 4:18.)"

Why I am a Christian Socialist, article in the Arena Magazine 1907

Alleged Socialism of the Church Fathers by John A Ryan 1913

Were the Church Fathers Communists? article in International Journal of Ethics 1904

The Church Fathers on Wealth and Ownership, article in The Common Cause 1911

The Communist Newspaper 1868 ("There are hundreds of texts in the Old and New Testaments inculcating Communism. The bible teaches fundamentally the brotherhood of man, and posits as the primary principle of society: "Love thy neighbor as thyself." It inveighs against the rich and riches, against usury and avarice—it exalts the poor.")

Principia or, Basis of social science By Robert Joseph Wright 1876
("The sermon on the mount, and many other of Jesus discourses and sayings and injunctions, seem applicable only to a true Christian Commune; and such is what Jesus seems to have had in his mind,")

Christian Socialism by M Kaufmann 1888

How I Became a Socialist by Jackson Wilson 1912 ("Power in prayer, according to Jesus, depends on these teachings abiding in us. And I say that these teachings of Jesus are the most radical social utterances, and can never fit with Capitalism."

Socialism and the Teaching of Christ by Rev. John Clifford (Fabian Tract) 1896

The Christian Concept of Wealth, article in Bibliotheca Sacra 1899

The Social Teaching of Jesus - an essay in Christian Sociology by S. Matthews 1897 (1 or 2 pages hard to read)

Jesus the Demagogue, article in The Contemporary Review 1873 ("From His occasional freedom with certain swine and asses, and from His scant respect for the rights of property as represented by the sacrilegious money-changers in the Temple, the large inference is drawn that Jesus was a Communist; and this conclusion is strongly backed by appeal to the short-lived experiment in voluntary and partial communism made by the primitive Church.")

Christianity Explained by F Hyren 1870 ("Jesus was a true and perfect free-lover, Socialist or Communist, and taught free-love both by precept and by example. He had neither wife, nor family, nor property, nor house, nor any place to lay His head to rest thereon; and He commanded His disciples to forsake all things and to follow Him.")

Christianity and Democracy, article in Brittan's journal 1873 ("Jesus was a communist. He and his disciples had a common purse, and not one of them had exclusive property in anything.")

Correspondence in the Flaming Sword 1894 ("Jesus was a communist, and taught communistic principles—having all things in common. Competism is of the Devil; it must and will be destroyed in the coming revolution, and in its place will be established Commercial Equation.")

Thoughts on Individuality, article in the Christian Science Journal 1905 ("It has bean said that Jesus was a socialist. It is possible to think of the great Teacher as a metaphysical socialist, but he was never a politician, and none of his words had any direct bearing upon the then existing political parties. He carefully eschewed any entanglements of that nature. Socialism, as he taught it, if it can safely be called by that much-abused name, was a religion, not a political expedient.)

What is Socialism, article in The Painter and Decorator magazine 1913
("The Encyclopedia Britannlca says: "The ethics of Socialism are closely akin to the ethics of Christianity, If not identical with them." Prof. R. P. Ely says: "It Is applied Christianity—the golden rule applied to everyday life." F. G. Peabody, professor of Christian morals in Harvard University, says: "Jesus was a Socialist, if judged by his teachings."")

What is Christian Socialism by W Bliss 1890 ("Let no man seek his own, but each his neighbor's good."— St. Paul. "Every Christian who understands and earnestly accepts the teachings of the Master, is at heart a Socialist, and every Socialist, whatever may be his hatred against all religion, bears within himself an unconscious Christianity." — Prof. Emile De Laveleye.)

Christian Socialism in England 1903 by A Woodworth

Renan's Life of Jesus 1897
"He never considered the earth, or the riches of the earth, or material power, as being worth any thought; he had no worldly ambition."

A Review of the 'Vie de Jésus' of Renan by John Brown Paton 1864 ("M. Renan may fairly attempt to explain by the communistic teaching of Jesus, and Jesus is the Ebionite or Communist, whilst St Luke is acquitted of any charge,—save that of truthfulness:—or the fact did not take place, when he may be impeached with graver crimes than Communism;—but then Jesus may be saved the reproach and ignominy of propounding foolish doctrines of social economy, imputed to Him in order to account for a fact, which St Luke it appears fabricated in order to accredit and further his own peculiar notions.")

Catholic Socialism by F Nitti 1911

Socialism from the Christian standpoint by B Vaughan 1912

First Church of Jerusalem Monkish Character. article in the Apostle 1905 (Ernst Renan)

Socialism and Christianity by William Stang 1905

Socialism and Christianity by AJF Behrends 1886

Practical Christian Socialism by Adin Ballou 1854

Christian Socialism, Explained and Enforced, and Compared with Infidel Fellowship by TH Hudson 1839

The Spiritual Significance of Modern Socialism by John Spargo 1908

The Church and Socialism by John Ryan 1919

Socialism of Christ - Attitude of early Christians toward modern problems by A. Bierbower 1890

Essays on Catholicism, Liberalism and Socialism considered in their Fundamental Principles 1879

Charles Kingsley and the Christian social movement by Chalres Stubbs 1900

The History of the Origins of Christianity by Ernst Renan 1875 Volume 2 ("The decay of the Church at Jerusalem was, indeed, rapid. It is natural that institutions founded on communism should enjoy at the beginning a period of brilliancy, for communism involves always high mental exaltation; but it is equally natural that such institutions should very quickly degenerate, because communism is contrary to the instincts of human nature.")

Socialism and communism in their practical application by Moritz Kaufmann 1883 ("Although the practice of Communism was given up for practical reasons, or died a natural death, there still remains the spiritual, the living principle, which existed in this effete practice of the early Church. The noble idea underlying that system is the "great secret" of Christ's religion, the unpalatable doctrine of unselfishness and self-sacrifice; or, in our modern phraseology, it is the doctrine of Altruism as opposed to Egoism; in a higher sense, the principle of Christian Socialism as opposed to un-Christian Individualism—not the Socialism of the Socialists, but the social theory formulated by St. Paul in his Epistle to the Philippians")

Shaker Communism by Frederick William Evans 1871

Socialism and philosophy by A Labriola 1907

Jesus, an economic mediator by James Darcy 1922

Marxian Socialism and Religion - a study of the relation of the Marxian theories to the Fundamental Principles of Religion by John Spargo 1915

Christianizing the Social Order by W Rauschenbusch 1912

The Church Fathers on Property, article in Bibliotheca Sacra 1897

Questions of Moral Theology by Thomas Slater 1915 ("We have seen that Socialists quite commonly assert that Our Lord was a Communist if He was not a Socialist of the English type, and that the Fathers of the Christian Church preached Socialism. Mr. Keir Hardie quotes authority for saying that all the Fathers of the Church considered Communism the most perfect form of social organization...")

Essays on the Social Gospel by Adolf von Harnack 1907

Christianity and Communism - article in The Forum 1887

A Theology for the Social Sospel by Walter Rauschenbusch 1918

Preaching the Social Gospel by OS Davis 1922

The Social Gospel and the New Era by John Marshall Barker 1919

Socialism Upheld by Scripture - Socialism as Golden Rule - Socialism Endorsed by the Bible, articles in the Machinists Montly Journal 1906

The Jesus of History by Sir Richard Davies Hanson 1869

A Theology For The Social Gospel by Walter Rauschenbusch 1917

The social message of Our Lord by William M Brown 1909

Jesus and Politics by Harold Beaumont Shepheard 1915

In His Steps by Charles Sheldon 1897 (The Social Gospel theme is reflected in the novel In His Steps by the Congregational minister Charles Sheldon, who coined the motto "What would Jesus do?" In his personal life, Sheldon was committed to Christian Socialism and identified strongly with the Social Gospel movement.)

Unto this Last by John Ruskin 1921

Franklin Spencer Spalding, man and bishop by John H Melish 1917 ("He believed for a long time that the Christian Church exists for the sole purpose of saving the human race. So far she had failed but Socialism as taught by Wm. Liebknecht's "No Compromise," showed him how she might succeed.)

Why no Good Catholic can become a Socialist by KD Best 1909

Christ and Caesar by Nathaniel Micklem 1921

The Gospel of Jesus and the Problems of Democracy by Henry C Vedder 1914

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